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Join us for the Second Annual Adult Congenital Heart Disease CME Program for adult and pediatric cardiologists, interventional cardiologists, electrophysiologists, cardiovascular surgeons, pediatricians, primary care and family medicine physicians, ACHD specialists, cardiology fellows, advanced practice providers including nurse practitioners and physician assistants, cardiac sonographers, nurses as well as all other healthcare professionals with an interest in the subject matter. The program will be held:
- Saturday August 13, 2022 in person at the Westin Hotel Mount Laurel New Jersey
- 7.0 CME/CEU Credits
- 6.75 Medical Knowledge MOC Points for physicians who certify through ABIM
Focus Topics
The agenda for the Adult Congenital Heart Disease CME Program focuses:
* Contraception and pregnancy in adults with congenital heart disease
* Management of arrhythmias in ACHD patients
* Challenges in the management of pulmonary artery hypertension in ACHD patients
* Transitioning the pediatric ACHD patient to the adult CHD specialist
* Management of the extracardiac manifestations of the ACHD patient with Fontan repair
* Management of heart failure medications and mechanical support
* Guidelines for exercise restriction and stress test
* Perform and interpret transthoracic echo in:
-Tetralogy of fallot
-Transposition with atrial switch
-Single ventricles
* Transcatheter management of coarctation of the aorta in adults
Saturday August 13, 2022 – 7:45am-4:15pm
In person at the Westin Hotel Mount Laurel NJ
- Physicians & Industry: $125 by 8/2/2022; $160 after /2/2022
- Cardiac Sonographers, Advanced Practice Professionals (NP/PA), Fellows, Nurses, Residents and all Other Healthcare Providers: $75 by 8/2/2022; $110 after 8/2/2022
- ABIM MOC Points: $50 (requires additional attestation, post program evaluation and test questions
Registration Payment Methods
**Prices above reflect discount of $6 for payment by check. Please add $6 for a Visa/MC/Discover/Amex payment.
Please make checks payable to: Cardiovascular Institute of Philadelphia P.O. Box 56598, Philadelphia, PA 19111
Please click on REGISTER ONLINE button below to register now. Thank you.