CVI’s 28th Annual Cardiology Update CME Program for Physicians, Advanced Practice and all Allied Healthcare Professionals was held as live webinars on:
Session 1 – Sunday October 24 , 2021 (3.0 Credits)
Session 2 – Monday October 25, 2021 (2.5 Credits)
Session 3 – Wednesday October 27, 2021 (2.75 Credits)
- 8.25 CME/CEU Credits
- 7.5 Medical Knowledge MOC Points for physicians who certify through ABIM
The 28th Annual CVI Cardiology Update featured an outstanding diverse faculty of national thought leaders including, Dr. Keith Ferdinand of Tulane University as the keynote speaker and Dr. Milton Packer of Baylor University. The program also featured regional experts providing the most relevant and up-to-date information on diagnosis, management and prevention of cardiovascular diseases and concomitant conditions.
Focus Topics
- Disparities in Cardiovascular Outcomes and Care
- Glucose Lowering Therapy Guidelines in T2DM
- Lipid Management: Patient Selection
- Lipid Management in Primary Care
- Lipid Management in Patients with ASCVD
- New Advances in the Treatment of Heart Failure
- Transcatheter Interventions for Structural Heart Disease
- Antiplatelet and Anticoagulation Therapy After Stenting
- What Every Clinician Should Know about Amyloidosis
- Recognition and Management of Arrhythmias
- Outpatient Monitoring: Rhythm Strips, Holter and MCOT Tracings
- Balance and Burnout in the Cardiac Care Team
- Genetic Evaluation of Inherited Cardiomyopathy and Lipid Disorder
- Genetics and Gene Editing of Cardiovascular Diseases
Live webinars were held:
Sunday October 24, 2021
8:00am – 11:00am
Monday October 25, 2021
Wednesday October 27, 2021
- Physician & Industry: $134*
- Advanced Practice Provider, Nurse, Fellow Resident: $84*
- ABIM MOC Medical Knowledge Points: $50 (requires additional attestation, post program evaluation and test questions)
*Prices above reflect discount of $5 for payment by check. Please add $5 for a Visa/MC/Discover/Amex payment.
Please make checks payable to: Cardiovascular Institute of Philadelphia P.O. Box 55698, Philadelphia, PA 19111
Please click on REGISTER ONLINE button below to register now. Thank you.